A magical beverage known as coffee is what people love to have in the morning. But have you ever thought that from where this coffee comes from and what country produces the most coffee in the world?
Here in this article, we are going to tell you the top 9 countries that are known for the country that produces the most coffee in the world.
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Top 9 Countries Produces The Most Coffee
Here is the list of countries that serve the world’s best coffee:

1. Ethiopia
Ethiopia is the top coffee producer country in the world and you will be amazed to know that it is the first country where coffee was discovered by a goat herder whose herds felt energized after grazing the coffee fields.
Ethiopia produces around 471,247 metric tons of coffee every year and that counts for 10% of the country’s GDP.
Two famous types of coffee are produced there which are Yirgacheffe and Sidama. Both have a slightly sweet flavor but the first one is more delicate and has subtle fruit notes and a floral aroma.
Due to its high altitude growing conditions the country is producing the best coffee in the world.
The most coffee variant in Ethiopia is Harran coffee that has a wine accent with little astringency.
2. Kenya
The second one on the list is Kenya, a country located in Eastern Africa.
The most famous variety of Kenyan coffee is SL-28 which has a sweet flavor of red berries and black currants.
Kenya produces nine times less coffee than Ethiopia which is 39,000 metric tons.
3. Colombia
Colombia is famous for producing a variety of things and one among them is coffee.
The delicacy of their coffee comes from the climate which is very favorable for coffee harvesting and the majority of coffee produced in Colombia has fresh fruits.
The country supplies 15% of the world’s coffee and the credit goes to the excellent climate, perfect soil, and the right amount of sunlight and rainfall.
This country produces 754,376 metric tons of coffee and produces 100% Arabica coffee.
4. Brazil
Brazil is known as the largest producer of coffee in the world and the country covers 10,000 square miles of a coffee plantation in the southern states where the environment is ideal for coffee production.
The Brazilian cup of coffee is clear, sweet, medium-bodied paired with low acidity.
Brazil produces 2,680,515 metric tons of coffee per year.
5. Costa Rica
Costa Rica is a small country that lies between Colombia and Guatemala and between the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean.
It produces 82,500 metric tons of coffee that are the best coffee beans that are rich in flavor.
It got its start in the late 1700s when authorities of this country came to know about the potential of their soil which was favorable for growing coffee.
It has wet-processed Arabicas also known as Arabica coffee beans that are delicate and need specific climate conditions to thrive.
The country grows smooth and soft, walnut-like flavor coffee in the volcanic soils of the mountainous region of the country.
6. Jamaica
The most expensive and premium quality coffees are produced in Jamaica and its blue mountain coffee is one of the well-known coffees on the planet.
Its coffee has an exquisite taste that is well balanced in flavor with an excellent body and pleasant smell.
7. Indonesia
Coffee cultivation started in this country back in the late 1600 during the Dutch colonial period and the famous coffee from that time is Java coffee which is known for its matured woody and earthy flavors with rich, full body and sweet acidity.
About 668,677 metric tons of coffee is produced in this country
8. Vietnam
Vietnam is best known for exporting rice to other countries and the second one is coffee with around 1,542,398 metric tons of production per year.
It was introduced in Vietnam during the 1800s by former French colonists.
Around 40% of the world’s overall production of Robusta coffee is contributed by Vietnam
9. India
India has an image of tea producing country but the truth is coffee is produced in India from the time of Mughal, much before the production of tea in the country.
India produces 234,000 metric tons of coffee that make out to be 60% of the total production of Robusta around the world
Final Thoughts
After reading this article next time when you will notice that the coffee you are drinking is coming from which country.
As a coffee lover, you should never leave the chance of enjoying coffee from the country that produces most coffee with different flavors and aromas.
Enjoy your day by feeling the deep aroma of coffee that activates your brain cells and turns the day into a wonderful day around.
Have a kick start to the morning with a perfect cup of coffee.